Retrieve Physical File SQL Source (QSQGNDDL)

This program is a wrapper for the QSQGNDDL API. It will retrieve the SQL source necessary to create a file. This includes DDS defined files created with the CRTPF command.

The program is called from the command line with the following parameters:

The program call looks like this:

call cp1150r (CPANDO CP1020F CPANDO SRC CP1020S)

The generated file looks like this:

 --  Generate SQL                                                        
 --  Version:                   V5R3M0 040528                            
 --  Generated on:              09/07/06 15:30:14                        
 --  Relational Database:       AS400                                 
 --  Standards Option:          DB2 UDB iSeries                          
 CREATE TABLE CPANDO/CP1020F (                                        
 --  SQL150B   10   REUSEDLT(*NO) in table CP1020F in CPANDO ignored. 
 --  SQL1509   10   Format name CP1020 for CP1020F in CPANDO ignored. 
 --  SQL1506   30   Key or attribute for CP1020F in CPANDO ignored.   
   AFRECTYP CHAR(10) CCSID 37 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,                      
   AFFLDNAM CHAR(10) CCSID 37 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ) ;                    
 LABEL ON TABLE CPANDO/CP1020F                                        
   IS 'Generic File Merge' ;                                

The original DDS looks like this:

  A          R CP1020                                                
  A                                      TEXT('Generic File Merge')
  A            AFRECTYP      10                                      
  A            AFFLDNAM      10                                      
  A          K AFRECTYP                                              
  A          K AFFLDNAM                                              

The following link takes you to the source code, written in beautiful /free ILE/RPG. The source is distributed under a creative commons license.

cp1150.txt - Retrieve PF SQL Source

Valid HTML 3.2! Creative Commons License

BrilligWare/ / revised February 2005